Integrate Leanmote with GitHub to effortlessly collect valuable repository data, unlocking actionable insights for data-driven decisions within your team.
- Enter your repository and go to the repository settings by clicking on the “Settings” tab at the top-right corner of your repository page.
- Scroll down to the “Webhooks” section, and click the “Add webhook” button.
- In the “Payload URL” field, enter the URL that can be found on Leanmote’s integrations tab, inside settings.
- In the “Content-type” field, select “application/JSON”.
- In the “Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?” section, select the “Let me select individual events.” option and then choose the following ones:

- Issues
- Pull request review comments
- Pull request review threads
- Pull requests
- Pull request reviews
- Pushes
- Statuses
- Lastly make sure the Active check is on and click on the “Add webhook” button to save your webhook.
Now your Leanmote webhook is ready to start collecting data.
To match the collected data with the Leanmote users, each team member must go to their Leanmote settings, click on the “Integrations” section, there they would see a GitHub card where they should enter their GitHub User Id, this is their GitHub public name, the one you can see displayed below your profile picture on your GitHub user settings.